42 of 1001 Songs: LCD Soundsystem’s Someone Great

Shortly after I graduated high school, LCD Soundsystem was releasing their 3rd single from their hit album, Sound of Silver. Someone Great was released in the UK, and quickly soar to the attention of everyone. I hadn’t heard this song till today, which might be surprising considering I’m sure it was popular at the time.

History: As I reading through the reviews for the album this song came from I noticed that it had very high reviews everywhere. I haven’t listened through the album, but it got me curious about it’s contents. There is a heavy electronica sound throughout, that is definitely prominent in this song, and it has a dramatic build up with the beat till the vocalist comes into play. It is easy listening music, with erratic spells.

I remember speaking to a lot of people, especially around this time, who noted that their favorite genre was techno or electronica. I never explored too in depth myself, but I can hear the appeal of talent people would have had to a song like this.

It’s odd as well as I grow further away in time from 2007, how 2007 or before stuff is beginning to sound. I’m not saying that is a good thing, maybe in some ways it is sad. There is definitely a glossed quality coming into current music that is different than from even music a few years ago.

I can also hear the dance pop in this song. You probably won’t be breaking it down hardcore to this tune, but it provides it’s own ease of movement. It also mixes it up at different points with heightened sounds, and a deep beat to balance out those elements.

Was this song exactly my particular thing? I can’t say it was. I can appreciate what makes it special enough to have the popularity it did, and even the listens it gets. I’ve never quite been drawn to this particular genre is the only reason. To note though how old this album makes me feel it was released at a time when it is was advanced to release a whole album for streaming on a Myspace page. If there was anything good about Myspace, it was the ability to show your personality through your favorite songs that week in your player.

If you haven’t heard the song then check out the video for it before. It’s worth a listen, and it definitely is unlike any tune I’ve heard before.

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